The Throat Chakra and Larimar

What is the Throat Chakra & Larimar?

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha is located at the center of the throat within the neck and is represented by the color blue. The mantra of the throat chakra is “I speak” and serves as a reminder that we each have a voice and a truth. An unblocked throat chakra enables one to freely speak their truth and find the right words to express themselves. 

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It is closely associated with the thyroid, respiratory system, teeth, and vocal cords. It is related to self-expression, open communication, organization, the ability to plan for the future, an appreciation of beauty, the ability to seek peace and order in life, and the ability to speak and appreciate the truth. 

Larimar can be used to balance the throat, enhancing communication in both the physical and spiritual world. It calms the nerves when speaking in public and allows one to speak truthfully and openly with confidence. When placed or worn between the heart and throat, larimar stimulates romantic love and assists in honest communication within your relationships.

How to Use Larimar

  1. As a pendent on a necklace, larimar is perfectly centered between the throat and heart chakras. The heart is represented by the color green and the throat by the color blue. When worn between these two chakras, a pendant of larimar balances and aligns the energy of both centers. This allows the wearer to speak freely while also opening their heart to kindness and compassion. Larimar stimulates open communication within relationships and a larimar necklace is a wonderful gift for a close friend or romantic partner.

  2. As earrings, larimar rests on either side of the throat. This allows energy to flow freely through the throat chakra. When worn as earrings, larimar can remove psychological blockages and dissolves self-sabotaging behaviors and thoughts.

  3. When worn on a bracelet, larimar can be a powerful reminder of our intentions and goals. A crystal placed on the wrist is especially powerful because we tend to view it consistently throughout the day. The hand wearing the healing bracelet can be placed on the throat for improved communication or on a painful area for a healing boost.

  4. When placed on a bookmark, larimar can bring deeper understanding and acceptance to whatever you may read. A larimar honu on a bookmark serves as a reminder that reading is a journey in itself and when you return to reality you will be wiser and more experienced for having ventured into the story.

By Caitlin Stuber - B.S. in Biology/Molecular Biosciences & B.S. in Psychology from Washington State University.

Works Cited:

Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press Ltd, 2003.

Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible 2. Octopus Publishing Group, 2009.

Van Doren, Yulia. Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing. Hardie Grant Publishing, 2017.

Disclaimer: All information is presented for entertainment purposes only, The Honu Shirt Company LLC does not make any medical claims or claim any healing results from any products we sell.


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