7 Chakras: An Under 60-Second Overview

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What is Chakra healing?

Chakra healing is about energy systems within the body. The chakra system is based on seven energy centers on the body with each level represented by a color. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel, and each energy center should be envisioned as a wheel with energy flowing through and between each one.

  • The seven chakras fall along the centerline of the body beginning with the root chakra at the very base of the spine going up to the crown chakra at the top of the forehead.

  • The colors move from red at the bottom to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet at the top. Each chakra corresponds to a color.

  • Crystals of the corresponding color are used to heal and align each chakra, balancing the energies of the body.

By Caitlin Stuber - B.S. in Biology/Molecular Biosciences & B.S. in Psychology from Washington State University.

Works Cited:

 Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press Ltd, 2003.

Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible 2. Octopus Publishing Group, 2009.

Van Doren, Yulia. Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing. Hardie Grant Publishing, 2017.

Disclaimer: All information is presented for entertainment purposes only, The Honu Shirt Company LLC does not make any medical claims or claim any healing results from any products we sell.


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