What is the Heart Chakra and Rose Quartz?
The Heart Chakra, or Anahata is located at the center of the chest at the level of the heart. As the central energy center, it bridges the gap between the three high chakras (related to spirituality and understanding) and the three low chakras (related to materiality and existence).
The heart chakra is usually represented by the color green; however, it is one of three chakras with a powerful secondary color. The color pink carries a similar vibrational energy to green and is the secondary color to the heart. The mantra of the heart chakra is “I love” and serves as a reminder that we each have a voice and a truth. An unblocked heart chakra enables one to experience compassion, love, and empathy toward mankind.
It is closely associated with the heart, thymus, lungs, circulatory system, immune system, and arms. It is related to love and compassion, generosity, normalizing of the heart rate, increased cell regeneration, the ability to be supportive, improved home life, and a focus on family and friends.
Rose Quartz can be used to balance and open the heart chakra, allowing the carrier to become more receptive to love and beauty. When placed on the heart, rose quartz encourages acceptance and self-forgiveness, and improves self-trust and self-worth. When you accept and love yourself, you can fully open your heart to others.
How to Use Rose Quartz
As a pendent on a necklace, rose quartz can be safely carried over the heart, fully activating the heart chakra and maximizing the powerful feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance. Rose Quartz is a tough crystal, is not easily damaged by water, and can be worn swimming or bathing.
As earrings, rose quartz is kept closer to the three high energy centers, utilizing the strengths of quartz on the crown, third eye, and throat chakras, allowing one to better know, see, and speak. When worn as earrings, rose quartz can balance the three high chakras and align them with the heart, so that the senses are more perceptive to seeing the world from a place of love, peace, and beauty.
When worn on a bracelet, rose quartz allows the positive feelings of an open heart to pulse throughout the body. A crystal placed on the wrist connects with the veins and arteries of the inner wrist and allows vibrational energy to be carried throughout the entire body.
When placed on a bookmark, rose quartz can bring love and acceptance to whatever you may read. Rose Quartz promotes receptivity to new ideas and allows the carrier to see beauty in all things. It is a perfect crystal for reading a romantic novel, a nature story, or a nonfiction book of challenging subject matter.
By Caitlin Stuber - B.S. in Biology/Molecular Biosciences & B.S. in Psychology from Washington State University.
Works Cited:
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press Ltd, 2003.
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible 2. Octopus Publishing Group, 2009.
Van Doren, Yulia. Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing. Hardie Grant Publishing, 2017.
Disclaimer: All information is presented for entertainment purposes only, The Honu Shirt Company LLC does not make any medical claims or claim any healing results from any products we sell.